Consequence Data Calculations Descriptions
NLD Consequence Data Calculations Descriptions
The NLD includes data for what is behind a levee that are calculated using geospatial operations. The values are determined by intersecting the leveed area polygon feature with select national datasets from other federal agencies to calculate the values. If a risk assessment has been completed for the levee system then the People, Property value and Building count may be adjusted from the intersection baseline data as part of the risk assessment analysis.
The following table outlines the data extractions and what data field it populates for data in the Leveed Area.
Consequence Data Field | Source Data | Reported Result |
People | USACE National Structure Inventory 2023 | Total population in the leveed area, includes Day and Night breakdown. |
Property Value | USACE National Structure Inventory 2023 | Value of structure and contents in dollars. |
Buildings | USACE National Structure Inventory 2023 | Count of buildings. |
Crop Acres | USDA National Cropland Data Layer 2022 | Crop type listed in acres. |
Critical Structures | DHS Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data (HIFLD) Open 2023 | Critical Infrastructure. |
Endangered Species | USFWS Threatened & Endangered Species 2023 | Threatened and Endangered Species. |
Environmental Concern Facilities | EPA Facility Registry Service 2023 | List of Facilities in the leveed area |
Communities | FEMA Communities Layer 2020 | List of communities recognized by FEMA as part of the Flood preparedness programs |
Tribes | BIA Land Areas of Federally Recognized Tribes 2022 | List of Federally Recognized Tribes. |