Data Services
National Levee Database
The National Levee Database holdings are available through several geospatial and REST/JSON API’s for users to query, extract and use the data. The National Levee Database's core mapping data can be used in GIS desktop and web apps via the Web-GIS Service URLs below. Use these services to add NLD data to your maps, change layers styles and export selected features. The JSON API allows access to geospatial and tabular data holdings.
Resource Hyperlink | Resource Format | Description |
Feature Service | REST ArcGIS Feature Service | NLD Core Mapping layers exposed by an ESRI Feature Service |
Map Service | REST ArcGIS Map Service | NLD Core Mapping layers exposed by an ESRI Map Service |
OGC Service | OGC OWS | The NLD's WMS and WFS services use the "ows_" metadata reference in lieu of "wms_" and "wfs_", which allows a single endpoint to support both mapping and feature services. The URL provided below can be used for adding both WMS and WFS services to your GIS client. |
JSON API | REST/JSON | RESTful web service, using standard technologies like HTTP verbs, headers, and status codes. |
A help document and user guide for the geospatial services.